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East Allegheny Junior Senior High School

Dedicated to excellence in education

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  • Attendance Excuse Information

    If your student needs to be absent from school, you have the option to submit an excuse by email at for junior/ senior high school or for a Logan student at

    Per district policy, we will accept up to 10 emails or written excuses per year before requiring a doctor's excuse for an absence to be excused.

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    East Allegheny Junior/Senior High School
    Reception Desk - ext. 1003
    Principal, Grades 9-12
    Mr. R.J. Long 
    412-824-9700, ext. 4182
    Principal, Grades 7-8
    Mr. Mark Draskovich
    412-824-9700, ext. 1250
    Assistant Principal, Grades 7-12
    Mr. Brian Ferek
    412-824-9700 ext. 1009
    Secretary to the Principals & Federal Programs
    Mrs. Lisa Piccini
    412-824-9700, ext. 1000
    Attendance Secretary
    Ms. Ruth Gibson
    412-824-9700, ext. 1001
    Data Secretary
    Ms. Tina Nicholls
    412-824-9700, ext. 1008
    School Counseling Office Secretary
    Mrs. Lydia Marcoz
    412-824-9700, ext. 1500
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